The Basket

Embedding the Basket

The basket is used to display the cart. To ensure interaction with the cart, a data-embed attribute is needed with the value of circuly-basket.

<div data-embed="circuly-basket">
  <script type="application/json">
      "api_key": String

The <script> element must be a child of the basket, and have the type of application/json. Please note that the API key is essential for proper functionality. You can locate it in the circuly operational backend by navigating to Settings > Setup & Design > Checkout Setup > API Key.

Api key setting


Further options are available but not necessary. Either via attributes.

<div data-embed="circuly-basket" right detached tinted persistent></div>

Or as a part of the json object.

<div data-embed="circuly-basket">
  <script type="application/json">
      "options": {
        "default_locale": String,          // default null
        "detached": Boolean,               // default false
        "persistent": Boolean              // default false
        "right": Boolean,                  // default false
        "tinted": Boolean,                 // default false

        "show_billing_frequency": Boolean  // default false
        "show_sum_purchases": Boolean      // default false
        "show_sum_subscriptions": Boolean  // default false
        "show_sum_total": Boolean          // default true

Make sure the JSON object is valid.

See Cart options for more information.

Styling Options

A set of style overrides are also available.

<div data-embed="circuly-basket">
  <script type="application/json">
      "style": {
          "border": "thin solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
          "border_radius": "4px",
          "box_shadow": "0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)",
          "button_cart_primary": "linear-gradient(240deg, #00E3AE -32.47%, #9BE15D 131.24%)",
          "button_cart_text_primary": "white",
          "button_checkout_primary": "linear-gradient(240deg, #00E3AE -32.47%, #9BE15D 131.24%)",
          "button_checkout_text_primary": "white",
          "button_primary": "white",
          "chip_primary": "orange",
          "font_family": "'Roboto', sans-serif",
          "font_weight": "light",
          "primary": "white",
          "product_card_primary": "white"
          "secondary": "#F0F0F0",
          "text_primary": "black",
          "text_secondary": "grey"

See Styling options for more information.


[^1.8] Override locales by setting new key-value pairs. Also, extending available locales by adding new locale objects.

<div data-embed="circuly-basket">
  <script type="application/json">
      "locales": {
        "en": {
            // All key-value pairs are optional
            "checkout": "Checkout",
            "consumableProduct": "This item is a recurring delivery",
            "empty_cart": "Your cart is currently empty",
            "items": "Items | Item | Items",
            "outOfStock": "Out of stock",
            "purchases": "Purchases | Purchase | Purchases",
            "subscription_frequencies": {
                "daily": "Daily",
                "weekly": "Weekly",
                "monthly": "Monthly",
                "yearly": "Yearly"
            "subscriptions": "Subscriptions | Subscription | Subscriptions",
            "total": "Total",
            "your_cart": "Your cart"

Natively supported locales: de,el,en,es,fr,it,nl,no & sv

Make note of the pattern zero | singular | plural for certain key values.